• Opposition Mounts To FCC Chair's Planned Broadband Regs
    Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler's plan to allow Internet fast lanes is continuing to draw opposition from a broad array of Web companies, investors and net neutrality proponents.
  • FCC's Rosenworcel Wants To Put Brakes On 'Fast Lane' Proposal
    Not everyone at the Federal Communications Commission is on board with Chairman Tom Wheeler's controversial effort to allow broadband providers to charge companies higher fees to deliver their content faster. When Wheeler unveiled the pay-for-play proposal, he said the FCC would vote on May 15 about whether to move forward. He said his goal was to enact rules by the end of the year. But Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel said today that she wants to put the brakes on Wheeler's proposal for new rules.
  • Fitness App Acquired By Facebook Changes Privacy Policy
    Two weeks ago, when Facebook acquired the fitness app Moves, the company assured users that it wasn't going to integrate with Facebook. "The Moves experience will continue to operate as a standalone app, and there are no plans to change that or commingle data with Facebook," Moves said in an announcement posted on its site on April 24. At the time the app's privacy policy told users their data would never be shared with third parties. Now, however, the site's privacy policy reads differently.
  • Mozilla Proposes New Plan To Preserve Net Neutrality
    Weighing in on the debate about net neutrality, the browser developer Mozilla is urging the Federal Communications Commission to pave the way for imposing common carrier rules on Internet service providers. Like many advocacy groups, Mozilla says that the FCC should reclassify broadband as a "telecommunications" service. But Mozilla is proposing a new wrinkle on reclassification. The company says the FCC should conceptualize broadband as two separate services. One is "local delivery," or the connections between ISPs and the consumers who subscribe to them. The second, which Mozilla calls a "remote delivery" service, refers to the connections between ISPs and …
  • New Tool Blocks Ad Networks That Ignore Do-Not-Track Settings
    The digital rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation this week released a new tool aimed at helping consumers avoid online data collection and behaviorally targeted ads. Privacy Badger -- an add-on for Chrome and Firefox -- says it "blocks spying ads and invisible trackers."
  • White House Wants To Strengthen Electronic Privacy Act
    The Obama Administration's "Big Data" report, released this afternoon, offers at least one suggestion that privacy advocates and marketers can agree on: The report urges lawmakers to revamp the 28-year-old Electronic Communications Privacy Act, so that it beefs up privacy protections for emails, documents, photos and other material that people keep in the cloud.
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