• Working Vs. Non-Working Presidential Campaign Dollars
    To date, Biden Harris has a more than $100 million advantage in terms of media dollars. The Trump (TBD) campaign, meanwhile, has a more than $100 million advantage in legal spending.
  • Red, White & Predictions: Why We're Analyzing Them
    The election is six months away, well beyond the 100-day mark when predictive analytics have meaningful rates of accuracy. But that's not going to deter MediaPost from publishing a regular series of prediction markets data each month leading up to the election to see how it nets out.
  • Offshoring America's News Verification
    "We're finding people are coming to us because we rise above division and partisanship to bring people news in a much more balanced way, because we are the outside insider," explains BBC News' Deborah Turness.
  • Guess Who Just Endorsed Red, White & Blog?
    Hint: He's a bigly one.
  • TV's Surprise Ad Boon: Abortion
    New data reveals TV is taking nearly nine out of every 10 dollars spent on advertising related to abortion bans, which has emerged as fastest-growing segment within political campaign spending.
  • This Just In: It's The Threat To Democracy, Stupid
    In a presidential election year first, the economy is not the No. 1 issue among American voters. The threat to democracy is, according to first-of-its-kind data from Ipsos' political tracking team.
  • 'Broke Don' Beats 'Bloodbath' Quip In This Week's News Cycle
    The week ended on a financial up note for Trump, who stands to make billions in stock following the merger of his social media company with another publicly traded company, though he technically can't sell any of those shares for six months. At presstime, the price of those shares were trending down 10% on the day's trading.
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